Exercises to Avoid If You Have a Spinal Disc Injury in Fanwood

Exercises to Avoid If You Have a Spinal Disc Injury in Fanwood

Chiropractic Fanwood NJ Disc Injury

Fanwood, NJ - The warm weather is here and people all over Fanwood can be seen out and about enjoying the summer. Whether it's running, walking, biking or playing sports in the park, people are on the move. Unfortunately for some, it might not be as easy as putting on sneakers and going. For those who are recovering from injuries it can be hard to participate in certain activities. Spinal disc injury such as a herniated disc (or often called a bulging disc) is one condition that would cause someone to have a not-so-action-packed summer. Chiropractor Eric Chludzinski of Fanwood Back Relief Center wants to keep you informed.

Spinal disc injuries can be painful, sometimes extremely painful. Anyone that has had a one would likely agree its best to avoid anything that aggravates the injury to avoid any further pain. Decreasing pain and allowing the injury to heal is the clear goal. However depending on the case and the medical practitioner's treatment advice, many times it's not realistic to stop all activity and exercise during the recovery time. But it is important to limit movement to that which avoids further injury. Sometimes it can be hard to tell what can make things worse and what will facilitate healing.

For example, certain types of movement and exercises should be avoided at all costs in order not to worsen a spinal disc injury such as a herniated disc. Chiropractor Eric Chludzinski provides those exercises:

Exercises that twist through the torso cause stress to be placed on spinal discs, especially in the lower back (lumbar spine). The twist compresses the nucleus of the discs and can aggravate disc injuries and even, in some cases, cause injury. Common types of twist exercises to avoid while recovering are certain yoga moves, abdominal exercises with kettlebells and medicine balls, and golf swings.

When suffering from a spinal disc injury it is important to keep the focus on low-impact movements. Unfortunately running does not fit into this category. The discs of the spine act as shock absorbers for the body. Running causes repeated and possibly large amounts of shock to placed on the body, therefore on the spinal discs. Choose walking over running when dealing with a spinal disc injury. As health and comfort return, slowly introduce jogging and then running.

Sit ups
Sit ups and crunches cause the back to flex. With herniated discs that is a big no-no. When the back flexes it puts stress on the discs and that could aggravate the injury causing pain and further damage. Best to wait until fully recovered before doing these.

Straight Leg Exercises
Some examples are leg lifts done while lying on the back. Like with sit ups, this particular movement causes the back to flex putting stress on the discs. The same type of stress occurs when bending down to touch the toes with straight legs. Avoid those movements until fully healed. When bending down to touch the toes, use bent knees.

Lifting Weights
When weightlifting, it is common to bend down to pick up a barbell and then jerk it into place. If not done with proper form, those movements could stress your spine and cause pain. Slow controlled movements are best when lifting weights.

Low Squats
Deep Squatting with the butt low and close to the ground should be avoided. It stresses the lumbar spine discs and could cause further injury. Keep the squats midrange where the bottom stays at knee level or above until recovered.

Suffering with a herniated disc can be excruciating. Being kind to the body and allowing for time to heal is key. Paying attention to the types of movements and exercises done during this healing process matters. It can aid in faster recovery time to help the person get back out to enjoying the summer whether in Fanwood, Scotch Plains or anywhere in New Jersey.


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Fanwood Back Relief Center

193 Terrill Road
Fanwood, NJ 07023

(908) 288-7129