FBRC Health Updates

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Eric Chludzinski

Do You Have a Sprained Neck in Fanwood

Do You Have a Sprained Neck in Fanwood A motor vehicle accident or other upper-body injury can cause significant pain that can suggest a strained muscle or sprained ligament in the neck for residents of Fanwood. Common symptoms include: pain at or near the back of the neck that feels worse when you move; pain…

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Eric Chludzinski

Chiropractor Fanwood Exlains How Yoga May Give Your Brain a Boost

Chiropractor Fanwood Exlains How Yoga May Give Your Brain a Boost After reviewing brain scans on 42 women over the age of 60, investigators found that even compared with other healthy, active women their age, those who performed yoga in Fanwood typically had greater cortical thickness in the left prefrontal cortex, a part of the…

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Eric Chludzinski

Trigeminal Neuralgia Responds to Chiropractic Care in Fanwood

Trigeminal Neuralgia Responds to Chiropractic Care in Fanwood Trigeminal neuralgia in Fanwood is a painful condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. A recent case study concerns a patient formerly diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia on the right side characterized by spontaneous, intermittent pain aggravated by chewing, talking,…

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Eric Chludzinski

Conservative Care of TMD in Fanwood

Conservative Care of TMD in Fanwood A recent literature review regarding the conservative management of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) in Fanwood found limited data supporting manual soft tissue work and strengthening exercises targeting the jaw muscles. However, the researchers did find support for the use of non-thrust mobilization and high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust manipulation to the temporomandibular…

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Eric Chludzinski

Back Pain Affects 7 out of 10 Eye Doctors in Fanwood

Back Pain Affects 7 out of 10 Eye Doctorsin Fanwood Surveys completed by 651 ophthalmologists found that 70.5% of respondents lived with back pain. Most reported their work exacerbated their back pain in Fanwood and 86.6% claimed to lose more than five hours of productivity per week due to persistent backaches. Prolonged work hours and…

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Eric Chludzinski

Exercise May Be the Key to Becoming More Successful in Fanwood

Exercise May Be the Key to Becoming MoreSuccessful in Fanwood Exercise in Fanwood is known to protect against several diseases, such as diabetes and stroke. Now, a new study suggests that exercise helps people socialize and accomplish more. Researchers recruited 179 college students and asked them to record each time they exercised during a 21-day…