Do These Things to Avoid Frequent Headaches in Fanwood

Do These Things to Avoid Frequent Headaches in Fanwood


Headaches happen.  Sometimes a tension headache in Fanwood comes on with dull pain and pressure to dampen your day.  Other times, it is an intense migraine with increasing throbbing pain and light sensitivity that stops you in your tracks.   Unfortunately for some people headaches come more frequently than for others. Whether you suffer only once and a while or your condition is chronic, it's worthwhile to know what you can do to avoid getting a headache.

Get Good Rest
It's all about the right amount of sleep. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same times everyday.  This sets your body to a natural rhythm to get restful, quality sleep.  When the body is deprived of adequate rest, headaches can occur.  On the flip side, getting too much sleep can trigger a headache.  Maintain a predictable schedule for your night's sleep.

Keep Stress Under Control
Stress is a common headache trigger.  In reality it is impossible to avoid stress altogether.  However, finding ways to manage stress is a possibility.  Learn some things that you can do to help you relax.  Yoga, walking, meditation, breathing exercises, coloring or spending time in nature in Fanwood are some ways people find relaxation to help manage life's stress.

Exercise Regularly
Once again, the key here is to keep it regular.  Staying active and exercising is a great way to maintain health and keeping yourself headache-free.  However, be careful not to overdo it. A workout that is too vigorous can be a trigger.  Keep to a regular exercise routine.

Stay Hydrated
A headache is one signal the body gives when it is dehydrated. Make it a habit to drink enough fluids throughout the day to stay adequately hydrated.  Typically water is the best option, however, other fluids can help keep you hydrated as well.  Fruit juices, sports drinks, soups and smoothies work too.  Remember approximately 6-8 eight ounce cups of water daily help maintain hydration.  Some people need more due to exercise, pregnancy, breastfeeding and sickness like the flu. Pay attention to what your body needs and supply it to avoid headaches. Fanwood Back Relief Center can help you with this as well.

Watch What You Eat
Exactly that.  Pay close attention to what you consume and what may trigger your headache.  Some foods and drinks are reported as common culprits  for resulting in headaches.

  • Alcohol - any kind including and not limited to red wine that contains sulfates.
  • Aged cheeses - blue cheese, swiss, cheddar, gouda, parmesan. Tyramine is a substance that forms in cheese when the proteins break down over time. It has been linked to headaches. The older the cheese the more tyramine, therefore, the greater chance of a headache.
  • Caffeine - This one can be tricky. Headaches that are linked to caffeine often happen when a person who regularly consumes about 200 milligrams a day suddenly has a lower intake of caffeine. That is the equivalent of drinking 2- 3 cups of coffee per day habitually and then drinking less. In that case, drinking caffeine may actually help you avoid a headache. Also, some people have reported consuming too much caffeine in a short amount of time and then experiencing a headache as the body comes down from the caffeine "rush".
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - This food additive is common in Chinese takeout food and soy sauce. It is frequently reported as a headache trigger.
  • Nitrates and Nitrites - Another food additive linked to headaches. It is found in processed meats such as lunchmeats, bacon and hot dogs.

Not all foods or drinks affect people the same way.  Keep a food diary and look for links between what you consumed and when you experienced a headache.  Listen to what your body is telling you.  Avoid the foods that trigger your headaches.

Actively working to stay healthy can be a great way to avoid headaches. However, sometimes headaches occur anyway.  In that case, consult with your doctor to see what treatment is available to you.

Chiropractic care, myofascial therapy, stretching and laser therapy are some of the tools utilized as a beneficial treatment option to those who suffer from headaches.

If you would like relief from your headaches give us a call to see if we can help. We routinely help our neighbors in Fanwood, Scotch Plains and the Plainfield area relieve their headaches.


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Fanwood Back Relief Center

193 Terrill Road
Fanwood, NJ 07023

(908) 288-7129