Whiplash Impairs Cervical Muscle Function in Fanwood

Whiplash Impairs Cervical Muscle Function
in Fanwood

Sustaining a whiplash injury can lead to reduced muscle strength in the neck for up to a year.

In this study, researchers measured strength and endurance during neck flexion and extension at different intervals up to a year after injury in 141 whiplash patients and compared the results to a group of similar individuals without a history of whiplash.

Whiplash Symptoms in Fanwood

They found that the whiplash patients experienced a 23-30% reduction in neck strength throughout the year, with greater muscle weakness observed in patients who failed to fully recover.

The researchers conclude, "Cervical muscular functioning is impaired for at least one year after whiplash injury, well beyond the time course of recovery of neck mobility and pain sensations.

In whiplash-exposed individuals, non-recovery is associated with considerable muscular weakness. There is a need for increased clinical focus on early neck function after whiplash injury."

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, May 2018.

For questions about this article or any other topics give us a call at Fanwood Back Relief Center in Fanwood at 908-288-7129 anytime.


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3:00pm - 6:00pm

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3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Fanwood Back Relief Center

193 Terrill Road
Fanwood, NJ 07023

(908) 288-7129