Low-Gluten Diet in Fanwood Offers Benefits to Gut

Low-Gluten Diet in Fanwood Offers Benefits to Gut

Many people are choosing a low-gluten diet, even though they aren't allergic to the protein.

As a result, investigators recently set out to determine whether or not such a diet is advisable for those without a gluten allergy.

After 60 middle-aged adults consumed a low-gluten but fiber-rich diet for eight weeks, researchers observed positive changes in the participants' gut bacteria, a reduction in gastrointestinal discomfort, and modest weight loss.

Despite these findings, lead investigator Dr. Oluf Pedersen warns, "More long-term studies are definitely needed before any public health advice can be given to the general population.

Especially, because we find dietary fibers-not the absence of gluten alone-to be the primary cause of the changes in intestinal discomfort and body weight."

Call top Fanwood Chiropractor Eric Chludzinski today to schedule an appointment.

Nature Communications, November 2018.


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